The computers at the Graduate Computer Lab YH4067 have all the programs you need for the tutorials,
You don't need to bring your laptop.
If you plan to run these tutorials at home or lab computer to view molecules, you must install:

  1. PYMOL for Windows, MACs and Linux

    PYMOL for MS Windows 64 bits
    PYMOL for older MAC OSX
    PYMOL for Linux 32 bits
    PYMOL for Linux 64 bits
    PYMOL Pymol tutorial

    PYMOL Pymol Cheat Sheet 2017

    PYMOL Pymol Reference Card
    PYMOL License File use SAVE AS in your Desktop ( PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE )

  2. COOT for Windows, MACs and Linux

    WinCoot COOT for Windows
    Coot for LINUX COOT for Linux
    Coot on OSX (From CCP4-EM package) Install CCP-EM to run COOT for MacOS

  3. Chimera for Windows, MACs and Linux

    Chimera UCSF Chimera

  4. Quick Amino acid Side chains Review

    Representative electron density for amino acid side chains arranged in order of increasing size. From an experimental electron density map calculated at 1.5 Angstrom resolution (Courtesy of Dr. Mike Sawaya)
  5. Instructional movies

    Movies showing diffraction data and how resolution, phases and amplitudes affect the electron density maps.

  6. Bond Lengths and Energies

    Brief Notes About Bond Lengths And Energies in Macromolecules