#!/bin/csh -f
/joule2/programs/bin/glrf <<EOF
Title the Self Rotation Function calculation
print self.prt
polar xyk
euler zyz
orthogonalization axabz
! Crystal A
acell 52.4 52.4 105.3 90.0 90.0 120.0
asymmetry x, y, z
asymmetry -y, x-y, z
asymmetry -x+y,-x,z
asymmetry -y,-x,-z
asymmetry -x+y,y,-z
asymmetry x,x-y,-z
aobs-file scalepack.sca
aformat (3i4, 2f8.2)
acutoff 2 1 0
apower 1
nshell 8
origin false !Patterson origin removal!
cutoff 2.0
!Large term cutoff
! Search parameters
self true
cross false
fast true
resolution 9.0 6.0
radius 15
rcutoff 25
boxsize 3 3 3
gevaluation 2
sangle polar
slimits 1 0 180 5
slimits 2 0 180 5
slimits 3 0 180 5
peak-cutoff 1 50
oangle polar xyk
section 213
mapfile self.map
!contour your peaks..........................
cntfile self.ps
cntlevel 450.0 1000.0 50
cntsection 1 37
Important: delete the header from your scalepack file.
self.prt is the log file. It contains a list of the peaks found in the
self rotation function.
Use these conventions; they are consistent with those used by CCP4 programs.
unit cell parameters for your crystal
symmetry operations of your crystal's space group
WITHOUT fractional
translations! The space group in this example is P3112.
aobs-file. Name of the file containing your scalepack data (intensities
not structure factors in this example)
resolution. You should experiment with the resolution range.
(e.g. 9-4, 9-5, 8-4, etc.) If your molecules are relatively floppy, peaks
in the RF may only be seen at lower resolution.
radius of integration. Again, experiment with this parameter.
Use values between the radius and diameter of your protein molecule.
slimits. Let phi, psi, and kappa vary from 0 to 180. Use 5 degree
cntlevel. Contour all peaks above the 450 level, where the highest
peak is scaled to the 1000 level. Show intervals of 50.