Trials | Optimizations | Appointments | Billing Info | New Users | Screens The Crystallization Facility uses commercial kits to set up screens for UCLA and outside users. We employ a TTP LabTech Mosquito® nanoliter-pipetting robot to generate hanging and sitting drop crystallization experiments. For initial screening we typically recommend a three-drop pattern that varies protein:chemical concentration to increase the chance of obtaining crystals. After a sample is received it is prepared immediately. 10 three-drop experiments are usually performed within the hour. Ratios of protein to reservoir (P:R) as viewed from above a sealed tray. To guarantee your samples are processed in a timely manner, please make an appointment.
Crystallization Trials
Volumes of each drop: 1:2 (70nl:140nl), 2:1 (140nl:70nl), 1:1 (105nl:105nl)Items required for Crystallization Facility services: